18 Dec
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Road-Tripping This Summer? Do These Five Things First

Summer has arrived, and that means it’s time for some good ol’ road-tripping. Whether you’re planning a cross-country journey or a day trip to the beach, make sure your car is up to the task with these five maintenance tips. That way, you can spend more time enjoying the ride and less time worrying about your vehicle!

1. Get an Oil Change: This is one of the most important things you can do before starting any long trip. Make sure your oil is clean and full; it helps reduce friction between moving parts and keeps your engine running smoothly. Not sure when to change it? Check your owner’s manual or ask a professional mechanic.

2. Check Your Tyre Pressure: Underinflated tyres not only wear out quickly, but they’re also dangerous – especially on long drives at high speeds. Check your tyre pressure at least once a month (and before any long trips) to ensure that all four tyres are properly inflated according to the manufacturer’s specifications listed in your owner’s manual or on the side of each tyre.

3. Test Your Lights: Headlights, taillights, brake lights – make sure they’re all in working order before hitting the open road. It’s easy enough to check: just turn them on and walk around the car to make sure each light is functioning properly. You should also test your turn signals and hazard lights while you’re at it; faulty signals can lead to dangerous accidents if not addressed quickly.

4. Replace Worn-Out Windshield Wipers: Don’t let rainy weather put a damper on your summer road trip – make sure your windshield wipers are in good condition so you don’t have trouble seeing through the rain while driving. If they’re looking worn out, replace them with new ones that fit snugly against the windshield so they do their job effectively when needed.

5. Pack an Emergency Kit
You never know what may happen while travelling so it’s best to be prepared for any situation—especially if you’re heading out into unfamiliar terrain. Pack an emergency kit with a first-aid kit with bandages or gauze pads, a fire extinguisher just in case of any engine fires or fires caused by cigarettes tossed out of windows (yes, people still do this!), jumper cables in case you need to jumpstart your car battery (or help someone else who needs assistance), a flashlight in case of nighttime breakdowns or flat tyres that need changing in low light conditions, bottled water and non-perishable snacks in case of extreme weather conditions that cause delays on the roads (which happens more often than you think) —the list goes on! The point is: always anticipate the unexpected when planning an epic road trip!

Road-tripping is a fun way of exploring different areas without having to take too many days off work or school – but only if everything runs smoothly along the way! Make sure you take care of these five maintenance tips before embarking on any adventures this summer so you don’t find yourself stuck somewhere due to mechanical problems during your travels. Happy road-tripping!