17 Nov
fading and cracking
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Preventing Fading and Cracking: Protecting Your Dashboard and Interior Plastics in Queensland

Living in the sunny state of Queensland, comes with its fair share of perks. From beautiful beaches to a tropical climate, there’s a lot to love about this part of the world. However, there’s one downside that every Queenslander knows all too well: the scorching sun. The relentless heat and intense UV radiation can wreak havoc on your vehicle’s dashboard and interior plastics, leading to fading and cracking. In this blog post, we’ll explore some effective ways to protect your car’s interior from the harsh Queensland sun.

Understanding the Problem

Queensland’s climate is characterised by long, hot summers and plenty of sunshine throughout the year. While this makes for an ideal outdoor lifestyle, it can be tough on your vehicle’s interior. Prolonged exposure to UV rays and high temperatures can cause the dashboard and interior plastics to fade and crack over time. Not only does this affect the aesthetics of your car, but it can also lead to expensive repairs or replacements.

Preventive Measures

Window Tinting: One of the most effective ways to protect your car’s interior from UV radiation is by investing in window tinting. Quality window tints can block a significant portion of UV rays, reducing the heat that enters your vehicle and slowing down the fading process. Additionally, tinted windows provide added privacy and enhance the overall look of your car.

Use Sunshades: Another simple yet effective method is using sunshades for your windshield and rear windows when parking your car. These reflective sunshades can prevent direct sunlight from hitting your dashboard and seats, keeping the interior cooler and reducing the risk of fading and cracking.

Regular Cleaning and Conditioning: Cleaning and conditioning your dashboard and interior plastics is essential to maintaining their appearance and longevity. Use a mild, non-abrasive cleaner to remove dust and grime, and then apply a quality interior conditioner or protectant. These products provide a protective layer that helps shield your plastics from UV damage.

Park in the Shade: Whenever possible, park your car in a shaded area. Whether it’s under a tree, in a covered parking structure, or in your garage, parking in the shade can significantly reduce the exposure of your vehicle’s interior to the sun’s harmful rays.

Invest in Quality Car Covers: If you don’t have access to shaded parking, consider investing in a high-quality car cover. A well-fitted car cover can provide excellent protection against UV radiation and can also keep your car cooler on hot days.

Window Deflectors: Installing window deflectors on your vehicle can help reduce the amount of direct sunlight that enters when your windows are slightly open. This keeps your car cooler and helps protect the interior from fading.

Limit Dashboard Decorations: While it’s tempting to personalise your dashboard with decorations and accessories, excessive use of items like dashboard mats or figurines can trap heat and contribute to fading. Consider limiting such items or using them sparingly.


In Queensland, where the sun shines brightly year-round, protecting your car’s dashboard and interior plastics from fading and cracking is crucial. Implementing these preventive measures can go a long way in preserving the appearance and value of your vehicle. From window tinting to regular cleaning and parking in the shade, there are plenty of steps you can take to safeguard your car’s interior from the harsh Queensland sun. By following these tips, you can enjoy your vehicle’s pristine interior for years to come, even in the Sunshine State.