11 Nov
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How to prevent tailgating accidents

The risk of being rear-ended increases big time when dealing with tailgaters. Not only is tailgating rude behaviour, but it’s also extremely dangerous and leads to thousands of traffic accidents each year. Learning how to prevent tailgating accidents is an integral part of being a safe driver. Whether you’re the driver in front or the driver following, there are important things to know about how to stop a tailgating accident from happening.

What is tailgating?

Tailgating, also known as “piggybacking”, is when one vehicle closely follows another. This can be especially dangerous in heavy traffic or any other conditions where visibility is low. The main culprit for these types of accidents is the person who’s following too closely. This can lead to driver distractions or poor driving decisions that ultimately lead to an accident.

What causes tailgating?

Impatience: Many accidents happen because someone’s impatient and tailgates another driver in an attempt to get to the front of the traffic jam.

Poor driving: This is where someone is unaware of their speed or driving conditions. Tailgating is an example of this. Tailgating also happens when someone looks down at a phone while driving and doesn’t see traffic coming up behind them.

Heavy traffic conditions: Tailgating occurs when there’s a lot of traffic and the driver behind can’t get around the person in front. It can be easy to also find yourself tailgating when there’s a lot of traffic around you. You may not want other drivers to try to sneak in before you. The traffic may make you late for an appointment, causing you to get impatient.

Distractions: Driver distractions are obvious, such as texting while driving or talking on a cell phone whilst driving. A more subtle distraction is caused due to poor driving conditions. For example, if there’s a heavy fog and visibility is low, tailgating becomes more common because it’s hard to see far ahead.

How can you prevent it when you’re on the road? 

  • Never tailgate another driver – this is dangerous and unfair to the victim.
  • Be aware of driving conditions and speed, especially when you’re behind someone. You should always keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you. An easy way to do this is by sticking to the four-second rule.
  • Reduce speed in heavy traffic conditions or when visibility is low.
  • Avoid any behavior that can lead to inattentive driving.
  • If someone is tailgating you, merge into another lane if possible and let them pass. If you can’t change lanes, then safely pull over the side of the road. Sometimes all it takes is a simple gesture to prevent a serious accident.
  • Do not antagonize a tailgating driver by braking or driving more slowly.

The best way to prevent tailgating accidents is to simply drive safely and courteously. If someone is driving erratically, it’s better to avoid them and let them overtake you. Don’t let your ego get in the way, and prioritise your safety over anything else!