21 Jan
car airconditioning
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How to get the most out of your car air-conditioning

Air-conditioning in your car can be a lifesaver in the warmer months. If you live in a hot climate, chances are your car is so warm it’s borderline undriveable when you first get in. Since we rely on our air conditioning systems so heavily, we also need to make sure we are taking good care of them. These systems work very hard, particularly in the warmer months. To make sure you are taking care of your air conditioning system, try to remember these four tips.

1)    Be patient

This is probably the most difficult tip to follow. It’s extremely tempting to turn your car on and let the air conditioner cool it down before you get inside. However, your AC system runs a lot more efficiently if your car is moving. By turning the air conditioner on and letting your car cool first before driving, you could be wasting large amounts of fuel. Instead, try turning on the fan only and putting down all the windows while you start driving. This will help circulate some of the hot air out of the car and get the car ready for the air conditioner to be turned on.

2)    Filters

For most people, regular maintenance on your vehicle is second nature. But did you know you should also be maintaining your air conditioner? The system has an air filter that needs to be cleaned and replaced on a relatively regular basis. This filter stops dust and debris getting into your vehicle. Over time, this can build up and reduce air flow and forces your air conditioning system to work harder than it needs to. While it is possible to clean and replace this filter yourself, we recommend letting a professional do the work to avoid any mistakes and damage to your system.

3)    New cars start/stop function

One of the newest eco features in a lot of newer cars is an automatic start/stop system. This will automatically turn off your vehicle when idling in traffic and restart the vehicle when you start driving again. While this can be great for the environment and fuel consumption, it’s not great for your AC. Since this feature turns your car on and off frequently, it is also turning your air conditioner on and off. This constant on and off is not good for the systems compressor. As well as this, it also makes the air conditioner work harder as it tries to continually cool the car when it’s turned back on again. Be careful using this feature and keep an eye on how your air conditioner behaves when this start/stop system is being used.

4)    Recirculate mode

Most of us use this mode of our air conditioner when a vehicle in front of us is creating a smell that we don’t want inside our car. However, this mode actually helps your air conditioner work more efficiently. The recirculate mode closes off the vents to outside air and recirculates the air already inside your vehicle. This means the system is not constantly cooling hot air from outside, but the already cooled air from inside. This can greatly reduce stress on the system and is great for the air conditioners motor. It’s important to note that if you have passengers in the back seats of the car, they won’t feel as cool as those in the front when using this mode.

Taking care of your air conditioner can extend its life and save you money down the track from repairs. Make sure you are maintaining all aspects of your car as well as possible. If you need any assistance with maintaining your vehicle or are due for a service, contact Auto Leaders today.