19 Sep
clean car upholstery
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How to clean car upholstery

Spills happen. But when they occur, your car seats can become quite messy and stained. With regular car care – like frequent vacuuming and spot cleaning – you can keep your upholstery fresh and your car looking new. Read on for tips on how to clean car upholstery and better maintain your car interior.

Start with vacuuming

The rest of the cleaning process is simpler if automobile seats are thoroughly vacuumed first. By doing so, you’ll be less likely to just push dirt, grime, and pet hair deeper into the seat padding. We recommend vacuuming with a soft brush head to get inside all the creases on the seat. Use the crevice tool on your vacuum to reach between the seat and the console, as well as other hard-to-reach spots.

Spot clean using bi-carb soda

A bottle of bi-carb soda can be used to make small spots of spills disappear. It’s versatile, it can act as a mild abrasive by raising the PH to help remove acidic stains, and it can absorb freshly spilled liquids. To use it, mix the powder with water to make a liquid solution, and then use a toothbrush or a brush to gently scrub the stain.

Use a squeegee and a spray bottle to remove animal hair

This is the perfect combo to use if your car is covered with dog hair. Simply wet the hair with a spray bottle and use a squeegee to harvest the hair into clumps. If you find that there’s dog hair in hard-to-reach places, just replace the squeegee with a toothbrush and voila! Your car will look like new again.

Use the right tools for leather car seats

Leather seats add a touch of luxe to your car. They’re pricey, so you need to take care of them. We don’t recommend using DIY methods to clean your leather car seats. Instead, purchase leather cleaning products that have been tried and tested. Once you’ve applied the cleaning condition, dry the seat with a microfiber cloth and use a leather conditioner to make them look as good as new.

Consider seat protectors

Car seat protectors are essential items to have if you don’t want your seats getting wet, smelly and soiled. They help prevent the seats from getting wet and dirty, especially when your car is parked outside and you accidentally forget to close a window. They will also maintain your car’s value by keeping the upholstery in perfect condition if you ever want to sell it.

So there you have it! Our top tips on how to clean car upholstery because nothing beats getting in a sparkling clean vehicle.