22 Jul
car maintenance tips
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Car maintenance tips after a road trip

Road tripping is an iconic Australian institution. Whether you’re heading hinterland for a hike, to the beach for the day, or spending the week camping and exploring our beautiful landscapes, there’s usually a lot of kilometres involved. And whilst there’s plenty to do after a road trip – from taking care of the dirty laundry to stocking up the pantry – you also shouldn’t ignore your trusty car. Road trips can take quite the toll on your vehicle. To keep your car in its best possible shape, you need to complete a number of car care tasks after the long drive is over. We’ve put together some of the main car maintenance tips for you to follow!

1) Check your oil levels

Once you park up at the end of your trip, check and make sure your car has enough oil to get back on the road. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. As your oils are necessary to keep the working parts of your car lubricated and functional, you don’t want to drive around with them on low. This includes your oil, transmission fluid, and even your windshield wiping fluid. If you find that one or two of them are low, grab the appropriate fuel and fill it up.

2) Check the brakes

Due to the wear and tear that occurs in your car’s brakes, it’s always necessary to check them after a long drive. The majority of brake jobs are a result of water or corrosion from road salt. If your brakes need improving, you should make sure they don’t stop working properly by filling them with brake fluid shortly after you park up at the end of your trip. If you hear a squeaking or grinding sound when you press down on them, it’s a telltale sign that you should have them looked at by one of our experts.

3) Check the tires

Tires are another aspect to look over before getting back on the road. While it’s always best to have your tires rotated at regularly scheduled intervals, you don’t want to risk them wearing down prematurely. That’s why it’s important that you check the tread depth after finishing your road trip. Failing to do so can cause your tires to under or over-inflate and wear out prematurely.

4) Review your car lights

After a road trip, it’s important to review your car’s lights. Things like fuses, bulbs and switches might need to be changed. If you find that one or two of your lights are less than bright, it could mean they’re no longer working at peak capacity due to wear and tear, or a weak battery.

5) Clean your car inside and out

By the end of a road trip, there are usually a lot of bits and pieces floating around your car. Taking the time to clean it out will make your car feel fresher and more comfortable to ride in. There are multiple ways you can clean your car, from traditional washing methods to professional steam cleaning. If you don’t tend to those stains on the outside of your car or leave dirty food inside, you risk permanently damaging your vehicle.

There are a lot of things you need to take care of after a road trip. But if you keep these car maintenance tips in mind, it’ll make the task a lot easier.